Our projects and programmes are located across the area, underpinning the growth and transformation of your Borderlands.
Borderlands projects and programmes
The projects and programmes support the four strategic investment themes of the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal.
Enabling infrastructure
Improving places
Supporting business, innovation and skills
Encouraging green growth
Some began at Deal signing in 2021 and have already been finished, while others are in the project development stage and will complete within the ten year lifetime of the Deal.
Completed projects:
Ad Gefrin
Lilidorei at The Alnwick Garden
Digital Vouchers Scheme

Explore our projects and programmes
Discover our projects and programmes below, set out in their theme areas.
Enabling infrastructure
Improving places
Supporting business, innovation and skills
Encouraging green growth
Project: Chapelcross
Location: Dumfries and Galloway
Theme: Encouraging green growth
Project lead: Dumfries and Galloway Council
Funded by: Scottish Government, UK Government and Dumfries and Galloway Council
Status: In development

Natural Capital Programme - Scotland
Project: Natural Capital Programme - Scotland
Location: Dumfries and Galloway, Scottish Borders
Theme: Encouraging green growth
Project lead: Dumfries and Galloway Council and Scottish Borders Council, with partners
Funded by: Scottish Government
Status: In development


Natural Capital Programme - England
Project: Natural Capital Programme - England
Location: Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland & Furness
Theme: Encouraging green growth
Project lead: Northumberland County Council, Cumberland, Westmorland and Furness with partners
Funded by: UK Government
Status: In development