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Mull of Galowa

Say Hello

The Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal exists to improve places and unlock the potential for sustainable and inclusive economic growth across the South of Scotland and North of England.

In order to track progress and showcase impact, we will share our achievements and our reporting on this page. 

Our performance

We are committed to delivering projects and programmes that have a positive impact across our Borderlands region.

Annual reporting

Explore our annual reports and see how the Deal is performing against our targets and ambitions

Benefits realisation

We have developed a Benefits Realisation Plan which shows how we will monitor and evaluate our progress to show how we are performing against our targets.


Find the latest version of the plan here or by pressing the button below.

Benchmark data

We have developed the Borderlands Socio-Economic Evidence Base report to provide a picture of our region across a number of different measures.


Here you will find data and analysis with tables, presentations and further explanation about our region, to help show how our Deal is making an impact across our region. The latest version of the report is now available following the annual update.

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