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Borderlands Partnership July newsletter

Update from the Partnership Board

The Borderlands Partnership Board meeting in June was held in person for the first time in over 2 years, at The Sill, in Northumberland. It was an opportunity to welcome new members to the Board, following the local Council elections in May.

Councillor Euan Jardine, the new Leader of Scottish Borders Council joined the Board and is the current co-chair. Councillors Stephen Thompson, and Councillor Linda Dorward are the new Co-Leaders of Dumfries and Galloway Council. Councillor Thompson is the nominated member for the Partnership Board.

The Partnership Board also took the opportunity to express their thanks to outgoing members. Elaine Murray retired from Dumfries and Galloway Council at the May elections. She had been a member of the Board for several years and was instrumental in the work to develop the Deal and get it to sign off. The Board wish Elaine well in her well-deserved retirement. Mark Rowley, former Leader of Scottish Borders Council, has also been a valued member of the Board over the past few years and both will be missed for their valuable contributions and unstinting hard work across our region.

It was also the final meeting for Jack Stopforth, outgoing Chair of the Economic Forum. He has represented the views of the Forum and the wider business community with enthusiasm and commitment and the Board would like to thank him for his ongoing work. He remains a member of the Forum and a new Chair will be elected at the next meeting for the next 12 months.

Find out more about our Partnership Board and the wider governance of the Deal here

Borderlands Programme Management Office recruitment

We are recruiting for a new Director for the Borderlands Partnership. We are looking for someone with energy, drive and ideas to lead the Partnership forward, driving delivery of our Deal and leading on the development of new ideas and opportunities for the Partnership. We are also recruiting for Principle Programme Officer and an Engagement and Communications Officer - see links below

Selected project news

Hadrian’s Wall project

As part of the development of the business case for the Hadrian’s Wall project, an expressions of interest process for visitor attractions is now live . The Borderlands Partnership will identify a short-list of Hadrian’s Wall visitor attraction projects, to be supported by Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal resources.

The process will be run by the Borderlands Programme Office and will be open until 2nd of September. Shortlisted projects will be required to submit a business case prior to funding being approved. Full details and an application form are available on the Borderlands website here

Destination Tweed

The Destination Tweed project presented their Outline Business Case to the Partnership Board in June, who confirmed their approval. The work will formally move to the Full Business Case stage once government approval has also been confirmed.

The project will celebrate and share the nature, history and stories of the River Tweed, one of the UK’s most highly designated and inspirational river corridors. The five-year, partnership-led investment will deliver a source to sea trail, which respects its special status and connects communities and attractions with sensitive, impactful and innovative interpretation. Find out more here

Place Programme - Longtown Place Plan Community Engagement

A series of six community workshops have been held to discuss the future of Longtown, in Cumbria, including how up to £3 million of Borderlands funding could be best spent to boost the local economy. Over the last two months all residents and businesses of the Longtown area have been invited to contribute to the co-production of a Place Plan.

The Place Plan will draw together a wide range of ideas that can be delivered and prospectively attract funding from future sources. The plan is supported by the availability of up to £3 million of Borderlands funding to be spent on capital projects that can help develop the local economy.

The workshop sessions will result in the production of a ‘Place Plan’ by the end of the year, which will outline the 20-year vision for Longtown, identifying a range of projects, activities and funding sources, as well as outline projects that are eligible for Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal funding. A Town Team will be set up to help promote, manage and deliver the Place Plan. All residents of Longtown are welcome to join as volunteers to help make this initiative successful. The funding of capital projects comes from the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal.

More information on the Longtown Place Plan can be found here

Find out about the Borderlands Place Programme here

Digital Borderlands – Cumbria County Council launch new top up scheme

In May this year, Cumbria County Council launched the Cumbria Broadband Voucher Top Up Scheme with £2m committed to top up the Government’s Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme (GBVS). This new top-up scheme is building on the success of the Borderlands top-up in Cumbria and Northumberland which was funded by the Borderlands Growth Deal and has allocated £4m of funding, helping 3,283 properties across Northumberland and Cumbria get better connected so far.

Communities in Cumbria seeking to develop projects using this funding need to engage with their chosen supplier and the supplier will manage all applications for GBVS and top up funding. Find out more about the Cumbria scheme here



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