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Improving places across your Borderlands
Place Programme

A vision for the future 

The Programme is a central part of the Deal and will support the towns’ growth through Place and Town Investment Plans. Developed at local level, each Place Plan will set out the community’s vision for the future of their area and enable them to apply for investment through a range of matched funding beyond the Deal’s investment.


Project title: Place Programme

Location: Borderlands wide

Theme: Improving places 

Project lead: All partner authorities 

Total project value: £50 million

Funded by: UK and Scottish governments.

Status: In delivery
Improving the places we live, work and play

Our Place Programme will support the development and renewal of towns across the Borderlands region and is core to our Improving Places theme. It brings up to £50m of funding, £20m from the Scottish Government and £30m from the UK Government, in a new approach focused on smaller places across the Borderlands.


Welcoming new investment into our towns


The Programme will also bring direct investment through the Town Investment Plans. The Place Programme is a ten-year investment with the first Place Plans due to come through in 2022.


The programme will invest in places to help boost economic activity across the region and recognises the importance of our smaller rural market and coastal towns to the local economy.


We have established a Place Programme Board, who will manage the Programme, support the development of the plans, and approve them for submission to the Borderlands Partnership Board for sign off. The Board is chaired by Professor Mark Shucksmith who has many years’ experience in development across rural communities in England and Scotland.  

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